Field day for the kiddies

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Field day for the kiddies

Post by reptilist »

One of the things I do for the community is teach them about snakes. The Forest Service held a field day for the Morenci Grade School third graders at one of the local campgrounds and asked me to be one of the displays. So I went up there a little bit early and poked around while drinking my coffee.
These Southwestern Fence Lizards were out soaking up the sunshine in the cool morning air...




This place is called Black jack Campground and it is perched right on the brink where Ponderosa Pine Trees overlook the Chihuahuan desert foothills...


The kids (75 of them) came by bus and they were easily excited about everything.




This young woman was very helpful and interested in my collection.....


The Western Hognosed Snake always has an attitude and makes the kids jump...


What I like the best is seeing a kid get that great big smile from holding a snake for the first time!


I also displayed the four common rattlesnakes native to Greenlee County, but like most kids, they were more interested in a hands on experience after giving the pit vipers a precursory glance.

The coolest news I have to share is that I have been given a very special license by the AZG&F called a "Holding Permit". This license allows me to adopt a salvaged Gila Monster from one of the state's wildlife rehab centers and use it for educational events! I'm pretty excited about that! It's a herpetological credential that few people possess.
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