California Desert District

Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Areas

Vehicle Useage Key

DB = Dune Buggy Use Area

MC = Motorcycle Use Area

4WD = Four Wheel Drive Use Area (Long Wheelbase vehicles may be unsuitable in some areas. Check before you go.)

ATV = All Terrain Vehicle Use Area

Arroyo Salado
Located 10 miles west of Highway 86 on Highway 78. Rolling hills and sand washes. Designated "Open Area" consisting of 4,800 acres. Adjacent to Ocotillo Wells Vehicular Recreation Area. Contact: El Centro Resource Area, 1661 South 4th Street, El Centro, CA 92243, (760) 337-4400. MC, 4WD, ATV, DB.

Dumont Dunes
Located 30 miles north of Baker on Hwy 127, off Dumont Dunes Rd. Steep and tall sand dunes. Designated "Open Area" of 8,150 acres.
Barstow Field Office
2601 Barstow Road
Barstow, CA 92311
Phone: (760) 252-6000
Fax: (760) 252-6098

El Mirage/Shadow Mountains
Located 10 miles west of Adelanto on Crippen/El Mirage Road. Dry lake Bed. Heavy use area. many non-motorized and motorized recreationists including aircrafts. Area consists of 24,000 acres. Contact:
Barstow Field Office
2601 Barstow Road
Barstow, CA 92311
Phone: (760) 252-6000
Fax: (760) 252-6098

Approximately 22,000 acres. Located 25 miles east of Brawley on HIGHWAY 78. Sand Dunes. Designated "Open Area:. Danger: Adjacent to military bombing range. BLM Ranger Station. Contact: El Centro Resource Area, 1661 South 4th Street, El Centro, CA 92243, (760) 337-4400. MC, 4WD, ATV, DB.

Imperial Sand Dunes (Buttercup Valley)
Approximately 11,000 acres. Located 10 miles southeast of Niland on the Niland/Glamis Rd. Sand Dunes are designated "Open Area". Watch for closed area boundary at south end of area. Contact: El Centro Resource Area, 1661 So. 4th Street, El Centro, CA 92243, (760)337-4400. MC, 4WD, ATV, DB.

Rasor OHV Recreation Area
Located 45 miles northwest of Barstow on Rasor Road. Sand washes and dunes, mesquite thickets. Designated "Open Area" consisting of 22,500 acres. Contact:
Barstow Field Office
2601 Barstow Road
Barstow, CA 92311
Phone: (760) 252-6000
Fax: (760) 252-6098

Rice Valley Dunes Closed
Located 5 miles south of Rice Valley off of Highway 62. Access is Santa Fe Road. Sand dunes. Designated "Closed Area" consisting of 3,770 acres. Area of little use. Danger: Contaminated with unexploded ordinance. Closed Contact: Palm Springs-South Coast Resource Area, P.O. Box 2000, 62-500 Garnet Ave., Palm Springs, CA 92258-2000, (760) 251-4800. MC, 4WD, ATV, DB.

Superstition Mountain Open Area
Located 15 miles north west of El Centro Via Country Highway S-8, Huff, and Wheeler Roads. Varied terrain consisting of 13,000 acres; dry lakes, badlands, rocky mountains, and sand dunes. Military bombing range north and south of area is closed to entry. Contact : El Centro Resource Area, 1661 So. 4th Street, El Centro, CA 92243, (760)337-4400. MC, 4WD, ATV, DB.

Lark Canyon (McCain Valley)
Located 70 miles east of San Diego. Exit I-8 at Boulevard. Rolling hills, riding limited to designated trails with overall wheel width of 40" or less. This area consists of 1,200 acres. Contact: El Centro Resource Area, 1661 South 4th Street, El Centro, CA 92243, (760) 337-4400. MC, ATV.

Plaster City/Yuha Basin
Located 15 miles west of El Centro on county Highway S-80. Consists of 41,000 acres of rolling hills and desert flats. Military bombing range north of area is closed to entry. Contact: El Centro Resource Area, 1661 South 4th Street, El Centro, CA 92243, (760)337-4400. MC, 4WD, ATV, DB.


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