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Re: ATV Trails

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 10:02 am
by EZRider
EZRider wrote:What is "patently un-American" is to attend public meetings with the sole intent of gathering information to later ridicule those who identify themselves as standing up for a cause in which they believe.
Dan, since you object to the "sole intent" part, I'll rephrase my original comment:

What is "patently un-American" is to attend public meetings and gather information for the purpose of ridiculing those who stand up for a cause in which they believe.


Re: ATV Trails

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:07 am
by Dan
My observations of others with whom I may not agree was most certainly not my reason for attending the proceeding. I've mentioned that several times here at DUSA, but you continue to allege I was somehow "stalking". However, many of those who attended made quite a spectacle of the whole thing, to the point where one could not help but notice the behavior, the costumes, and the theatrics. I was actually somewhat surprised to see so many of those in favor of the ordinance complaining about environmental issues instead of private property issues. I was also surprised to see so many complaining as Sal does, about how OHVs supposedly destroy so much public land. 3973 was supposed to be about the violation of the rights of landowners who objected to OHV users trespassing on their land, as well as the noise. That was mostly absent from the comments of the 3973 supporters I heard speaking to the BOS.

Why do you suppose that is, EZ?

Re: ATV Trails

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:13 am
by Kevin
Its always curious to me when people hang on to stuff for a long long time like EZ and Sandman on that BOS meeting. Wasn't that quite a while ago?

If Dan is such a threat to Sandman or anyone else, wouldn't it be safe to say he would have already carried out those threats? That is unless he is one very patient dude.

Its like being on the kindergarten playground around here sometimes.



Re: ATV Trails

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 11:29 am
by Dan
I find it somewhat silly the way Sandman and now EZRider continually accuse me of stalking and "gathering information" on those whose opinions differ from my own. I'm sure it's so they can forward links to the Board of Supervisors for them to see the accusations, in hopes that repeating the same accusations incessantly will somehow make them more believable and make the anti-OHV activists more sympathetic characters.

Re: ATV Trails

Posted: Thu Apr 16, 2009 1:44 pm
by Pharo
EZRider wrote:
What is "patently un-American" is to attend public meetings and gather information for the purpose of ridiculing those who stand up for a cause in which they believe.

So what you're saying is, it's OK to attend a meeting but "un-American" to talk about what went on at the meeting? I mean come on EZ, some of the people attending this meeting looked like they belonged on the Let's Make A Deal game show and stated some very tall tells about what was supposedly going on in SB county. And people aren't suppose to comment on that?

A rule to live by: If you don't want to look like a fool on camera, then don't act like one when the camara is on.

A lot of people I saw in the BoS production movie should have followed this rule. :lol: <<<Sal proper use of emote. <<<<



Re: ATV Trails

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 5:09 am
by EZRider
Dan wrote:There is no reason for that, other than to discourage public participation and squelch dissent and free speech.

That is patently dishonest and un-American, don't you think?
You have a point, Dan. Ridiculing those who participate in public forums is "patently dishonest and un-American".

The intent is to "discourage public participation and squelch dissent and free speech".


Re: ATV Trails

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 10:40 am
by Dan
So, how are you any better than those you accuse of ridiculing others in a public forum? I'd say you're worse. At least most others only do it once.

Do you support Sandman's accusations which assert that anyone who disagrees with him is engaging in intimidation, abuse, retaliation, and personal attacks? When I show where either he or you are wrong, is that a personal attack? Do I simply have to let your statements stand with no defense, else I am accused of hateful speech? Sure seems like that's the way you're trying to work it.

Re: ATV Trails

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:27 pm
by Ken@WonderValley
Like Klasky said "Its a season of slaughter"

Re: ATV Trails

Posted: Fri Apr 17, 2009 12:54 pm
by Dan
The tactic of exaggeration and "crying wolf" too often only works for a period of time. Once the public, and our authorities, understand the tactic and the fact that it's being used, they lose all trust for the people who use it. Once the trust is broken, they don't listen to these people any longer, even when their points are valid. Of course, eventually, when their cries for help go unanswered, these people will eventually accuse elected officials and law enforcement of disenfranchising them.

This is how the tactics being used in Wonder Valley adversely affect even people in Juniper Flats. Of course, the finger of blame will not be pointed at the COWs by JF residents. They will continue to point at OHV users for destroying the trust from law enforcement and elected or appointed officials. But the real blame will rest with the COWs themselves, and their buddies who blow everything out of proportion in order to create a crisis that doesn't exist.

"A lie is halfway round the world before the truth has a chance to get its boots on".
--Sir Winston Churchill

"But, eventually, truth gets booted and spurred, and the lie gets a good licking."
[1996 National Review 6 May 6]

Re: ATV Trails

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2009 8:58 pm
by Sandman
Home safe.....ran lots of OHV trails. The only closures I saw was that new big a$$ fence up Copper City Road. The US Military just kicked the public AND the turtles out. Say bye bye forever.....locked out. Anyway, I'm takin a long hot shower and going to bed. The little woman is givin me a wink. I've been out there a while.

gee dan, what have YOU been doing these past few days? Obsessing on the same old thing here on DUSA? Geez, what a freaking loser!