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Re: Why Are Areas Closed Down To OHV's?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 4:46 pm
by Plays In The Dirt
reptilist wrote: Kinda reminds me of the old days on the DUSA anti-enviro forum.
I was thinking the same thing Rep. At first I thought that "Devil Dog" is/was one of the old posters.

Re: Why Are Areas Closed Down To OHV's?

Posted: Tue May 04, 2010 5:53 pm
by reptilist
Oh Devil Dog,
How did those pup fish ever manage to exist for a bajillion years without your help???
Tules actually provide life sustaining cover and concealment for little fish.
I don't know a lot about pupfish, but I'd put my money on what the biologists who study them have to say....
Not some yokel with a grudge.

Re: Why Are Areas Closed Down To OHV's?

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 5:44 am
by Teufel_Hunden
exactly, how did they exist when we were swimming? if they existed for so long wy shut it down? and who are you going to believe, the people who live there or some guy that goes there every few years? what about the existing trout that swin upstream to eat? we cant fish for them there anymore, so now the pupfish population is pretty much non existant in that spring...

another thing that these people have done in california...
owens (dry) lake. apparently theres stricknine or cyanide in the dust there from back in the mining days. california had the bright idea to hire a number of scientists to find out what kind of plant grows best there. they spent millions of dollars on what? to foind out that the plant that grows best is the plantlife that is natural to the area. the point of the story is with all their degrees and everything else they couldnt figure that out. hell i could have told them what grows best and i live in yuma, az. oh the reason why its a dry lake now is because LA. they drained it and now they are working on draining the ground water there in the whole valley. so wheres all the tree huggers for that? they're drinking all the water, because they live in LA.

Re: Why Are Areas Closed Down To OHV's?

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 6:39 am
by Teufel_Hunden

Re: Why Are Areas Closed Down To OHV's?

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 9:23 am
by Sandman
Something is fishy around here! :shock: I'm wondering just what relationship the pupfish has to our usual arguing point of OHV use. One thing we all seem to agree on is reponsible use. The weather is warming up and it's time to get on out and enjoy!

Re: Why Are Areas Closed Down To OHV's?

Posted: Wed May 05, 2010 4:27 pm
by spiny
I for one welcome more posts that have nothing at all to do with OHVs, but I'm having a hard time seeing what point this guy is trying to make. I gather he doesn't like people with diplomas. Fine, whatever. But I'd still like to know how the pupfish got along fine for thousands of years without human swimmers to keep the "toolies" in check. The mining of fossil Pleistocene-deposited water at a rate for past the natural recharge rate is the main problem for these fish, and ultimately for all who choose to live in this part of the desert.

Re: Why Are Areas Closed Down To OHV's?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 6:48 am
by Teufel_Hunden
maybe i posted in the wrong thread... sorry 'bout that.

i dont have a problem with people who have paper on the wall, my point was just because they do, doesnt make them have any common sense at all. and yes people have been swimming in that pond for thousands of years. the paiute shoshone tribes that lived in the area have been there for, well, ever. now the whole place is shut down to everyone including them...

Re: Why Are Areas Closed Down To OHV's?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 8:57 am
by Sal
I think common sense is a trait lacking in a percentage of people across the educational spectrum.

Re: Why Are Areas Closed Down To OHV's?

Posted: Thu May 06, 2010 9:14 am
by LeeVW
You're right, Sal. Common sense isn't very common! My favorite is the Fort Irwin expansion, where they are taking healthy tortoises out of prime established habitat and relocating them to inferior habitat where they are promptly being eaten by coyotes. The tortoises had been living for decades in an area where there was light to moderate OHV use, and they didn't really have a problem until the Army decided they wanted to run tanks through there. The moment the expansion was approved was when I realized the government really didn't care about the tortoise at all.