Advertising information
We have advertising opportunities for businesses that serve the Southwest, desert regions and related areas. This is a perfect advertising channel to promote tourist services, motels/hotels, guides, adventure tours, photo tours, real estate and other related services. Each day visitors come to looking for places to go and things to do in the Southwest and desert regions. They are looking for both family and individual adventures that will help them enjoy the desert and its beauty. They also use to research desert wildlife, plants, history and to find places to live and work in the Southwest.
By advertising your services on you can reach your target audience while they are making plans to visit your area. DesertUSA has thousands of pages about locations and activities in the Southwest. This enables DesertUSA to position your advertisement where it will best reach your customers and prospective customers.
Run of site pricing
Banner ads and tower ads $5.00 a thousand impressions.
100,000 ads views for $390.00 run of site - Banner ad
500,000 ads views for $1040.00 run of site 300 x 250 or 160 X 600
Text ads on 1 page for $50.00 a month. Minimum order is for 6 months ($300.00). Home and index pages not available at that rate.
We can customize the ads to run only in specific sections of which you select. We can also limit the number of ads run per day.
We can also do text links and other special ads, contact us and we will work out a plan that fits your needs.
To request more information or sign up for an advertising package, contact DesertUSA via E-mail at or call 760 740 1787 Enter subject on e-mail "DesertUSA_ads"
For ad size sample see banner at the top of the page or ad on right side of page.
To request more information or sign up for an advertising package, contact DesertUSA via E-mail at or call 760 740 1787
Travel & Recreation Guide to the American Southwest is a online publication viewed on the Internet by an International audience.'s editorial focus is on travel destinations, outdoor recreation and natural history subjects related to the North American deserts and semi-arid regions of the United States.
Our audience consists of individuals who plan to visit or who are interested in the desert and related regions of Arizona, California, Colorado, Utah, Nevada, Texas and New Mexico.
Our secondary audience is students who use DesertUSA's resources to learn more about geology, flora, fauna and environmental elements of desert biomes.
Monthy Page Views with ads:
Visitor Sessions 455,000
Java Support 86%
2.5% United Kingdom Male 49.4
Updated 04/2015 |
To request more information or sign up for an advertising package, contact DesertUSA via E-mail at or call 760 740 1787
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